Thursday, January 20, 2011

DAY 4 – JAN. 20th : 2nd CORINTHIANS 5:11-21

God’s purpose is to make His glory known, particularly in the joy of His people. God reconciles us to Himself so that we might delight in Him. The greatest good of the gospel is that we get God. Eternal life, justification, redemption and sanctification are all benefits of the gospel, but they are only good in that they allow us access to God, to know and enjoy Him forever.

Given the reality of our reconciliation, we have been given the responsibility of sharing this ministry with others. We are called to be agents and ambassadors of reconciliation. “The love of Christ controls us;” it compels us to “persuade others.” Our message to the world is: “be reconciled to God.”

There is no sacred/secular divide among God’s people, no subclass of Christians known as missionaries. All who love Christ should long to share Him with others. All Christians are missionaries of reconciliation; we are all called not to live for ourselves, but for Him who has died and risen that we might be reconciled to the Father and King.

Reflection and Intercession:

  1. Consider.
    • Why do you desire eternal life? Is it because you will be with Christ or simply so that you will not suffer the punishment of hell?
    • Think about what it will be like to be with God forever. How does that stir your affections?
  2. Confess.
    • Confess any apathy toward the idea of eternal life with God.
    • Confess struggles with being ambassadors for reconciliation.
  3. Praise.
    • Praise God for the gift of reconciliation. Praise Him for the work of Christ to redeem, justify, sanctify and eventually glorify His saints, so that we might be brought to reunion with the Father.
    • Praise God for your individual testimony of God’s grace.
    • Praise God for allowing you the opportunity to be an ambassador or missionary of His work of reconciliation.
  4. Intercede.
    • Ask God for boldness and wisdom to speak His message to the world.
    • Ask God for wisdom for the elders and pastors of The Village to know how we might better corporately engage in the work of reconciliation.

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