Tuesday, January 18, 2011

DAY 2 – JAN. 18th : EPHESIANS 1:3-14

Our God is a missional God; He is intentional and purposeful in fulfilling a particular plan or “mission.” Indeed, He “works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11). He is not capricious or impulsive, but is deliberate and decided in His intent to accomplish His will.

What is this will that God intends to fulfill? Though the Scriptures speak in various ways of the will of God, we find a clear statement in Ephesians 1 of His overarching desire. In this statement, we get a glimpse into God’s eternal purpose and the mystery of His will (Ephesians 1:9). He blesses, chooses, adopts, predestines, redeems, forgives, loves, lavishes, reveals, seals and works. To what end?

Ephesians 1:6 to the praise of His glorious grace

Ephesians 1:12 to the praise of His glory

Ephesians 1:14 to the praise of His glory

God’s glory is supreme. At the center of God’s will, desire and affections is the manifestation and magnification of His own name, His renown. All that He does is motivated by this desire. All that He does is directed toward this end, that He might be celebrated, enjoyed, delighted in and worshipped by His people.

He is working intentionally and steadily toward the goal of redeeming His people for the display of His glory through their trust and satisfaction in Him.

Reflection and Intercession:

  1. Consider.
    • Spend time thinking about the glory of God. Write down some of His attributes. What attributes in particular are referenced in Ephesians 1?
    • Does God’s grace to you lead you to glorify Him or does it simply terminate upon you?
  2. Confess.
    • Confess your failure to glorify God as you should.
    • Confess any exaltation of personal preference and comfort over God’s glory.
  3. Praise.
    • Praise God for Who He is.
    • Praise God for doing what Ephesians 1 states He has done for His children. Take each individual verb and praise God for His work in that area.
  4. Intercede.
    • Ask God to help you to enjoy and display His glory to those around you.
    • Ask God to turn your heart to be more continually satisfied with His goodness.

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