Monday, February 23, 2015

Gospel-Shaped Repentance - Sermon Recap

Mark 1:9-15

Big Idea: Genuine belief in the gospel leads to genuine repentance.

From: "Restore: Moving God Back To The Center - A Series from Ezra & Nehemiah"


Here are some highlights from the message. If you share any of these on your social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) please use this link as a reference:
  • The gospel is not about what sinners can do for God, but what God has already done for sinners through Christ.
  • Sin robs us of Jesus and gives us a shabby substitute in his place. 
  • Anyone who doesn't get serious about sin has lost sight of how serious God got about sin. 
  • Belief in the gospel is what changes our minds about sin. 
  • In the moment of temptation, you must look past it to the cross.
  • Sin is always God-ward. Any and all sin is against God. 
  • As your heart for Jesus enlarges, your hunger for sin diminishes. 
  • If our repentance is motivated by the gospel, we are free to own our sin. 
This week, as a way of acting out our repentance, turning from our sin and trusting in Christ's finished work on the cross, we wrote notes representing sins and hung them on the cross before taking communion:

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