Thursday, October 22, 2009

NTC Day 32: Luke 11, Phil. 1-2

“Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ”. This command is almost shocking in its request. It is humbling in what it expects of the children of God. When one tries to live up to the common bar that mankind sets for itself (“just try to be a good person”), it’s so easy to feel a sense of self-righteousness.

But to live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ? That is another thing all together. What does it mean to live a life worthy of the death of the Son of God on my behalf? What does it mean to live a life worthy of His condemnation for my righteousness? It sounds ridiculously impossible.

And if we were left to our own devices it would be impossible. But God has set his seal in our hearts, the Holy Spirit as a promise and gurantee of a life, not only to come, but a life to live now in His power. We would despair without it.

This does not mean we are expected to live a perfect life. Indeed, living a life worthy of the gospel of Christ means we live it in humility. We live in dependence of Christ. We daily fall on His grace for our shortcomings.

Today, consider how you life can be lived in a manner "worthy of the Gospel". Confess sin. Give grace to those you interact with. Talk to God throughout the day, but talk to others in love as you have the opportunity.

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